Friday, February 1, 2019


LIST OF HUMAN RIGHTS(according to United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights)INFRINGED IN THIS COMPLAIN:

#1 We Are All Born Free & Equal / Right to Equality(taken away from me already in kindergarten at age 4/5 with daily beatings due to political views of guardians and have continued throughout high school all the way to age 16).
Article 1
#2 Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It(not only was I stalked by political pro Yugoslav machinery all the way to USA at age 23 due to worthless Slovenian citizenship, but the right to reject Slovenian citizenship in 2011/2012 was also denied to me by Slovenian authorities).
Article 15
#3 The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live / Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution
Article 14
#4 Freedom from State or Personal Interference in Here Stated All Rights(stated previously or in continuation) Violations
Article 30
#5 Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment
Article 5
#6 The Right to Privacy Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence(family deeply involved with state against me due to super heavy domestic violence case which lasted no less than 16 years and state deeply involved with family due to political agenda against me since kindergarten).
Article 12
#7 Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security
Article 3
#8 Workers' Rights(no right to employment as educated or qualified for or whatsoever on two continents and if somehow employed, employment was used for torture purposes)/Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
Article 23
#9 Freedom of Thought/Freedom of Expression
Article 19
#10 The right to "Marriage and Family".
Article 16
#11 Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law
Article 6
#12 No Unfair Detainment/Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile(from audio recorded threats to be hospitalized or killed if not leaving countries to actual torture when forcefully hospitalized).
Article 9
#13 Right to Equality before the Law(didn't have the right to even open my mouths on courts and in some cases attend them - my own lawyer assigned to me by Slovenian state accused me of bogus things in-front of state prosecutor to make things even worse).
Article 7
#14 Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal(corruption went as far as European Union Court for Human Rights against whom I am also filing the case today - they deliberately delayed and declined this case for no less than 12 years due to involvement of multiple EU states in one for the sake of the Russia).
Article 8
#15 Right to Fair Public Hearing
Article 10
#16 Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty(I was instead guilty of future crime I would commit one day).
Article 11
#17 You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go(Exactly what I didn't have - the right to even apply for political asylum in Norway and in Hungary was declined to me - car was even towed away from Free Parking lot same day as I attempted to apply for political asylum in Budapest).
Article 6
#18 Right to Own Property(totally denied with down payment offers from my side that greatly exceeded by laws required federal financing programs). No right to public assistance in respect to lodging and no even right to rent with my own savings.
Article 17
#19 Freedom from Discrimination
Article 2 
#20 Right to Adequate Living Standard
Article 25 
#21 Right to Education
Article 26
#22 Right to Rest and Leisure(was deprived straight of sleep even for a period of 5 days - forced to travel as explained bellow).
Article 24
#23 Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
Article 23
#24 Freedom of Belief and Religion
Article 18
#25 Freedom of Opinion and Information
Article 19 

Abuse involved went as far as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and attempted forced marriages outside of the Christianity and white European ethnicity.


Human dignity - Article 1, Right to life - Article 2, Article 3 - Right to the integrity of the person, Article 4 - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, 

Right to liberty and security - Article 6, Article 7 - Respect for private and family life, Article 8 - Protection of personal data, Article 9 - Right to marry and right to found a family, Article 10 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Article 11 - Freedom of expression and information, Article 13 - Freedom of the arts and sciences, Article 14 - Right to education, Article 15 - Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work, Article 16 - Freedom to conduct a business, Article 17 - Right to property, Article 18 - Right to asylum, Article 19 - Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition, Article 20 - Equality before the law, Article 21 - Non-discrimination, Article 22 - Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity

Everything in respect to this title that applies to a single male was violated in my case as I was not allowed to obtain employment of any kind - severe physical torture was used on a work place to compel me to leave one. No right to work as educated for or work that would match level of education EVER, and pushed into impossible circumstances if offered any kind of employment.

I was threatened with forced hospitalisation in 2008 if not leaving Slovenia after running for presidency there. Forget about voting.

Article 41 - Right to good administration, Article 42 - Right of access to documents(even the right/access to my personal health record was declined to me when needed to transfer file to another physician).

Article 43 - European Ombudsman(repeatedly declined to assist me when asked ongoingly for help for no less than 12 years).

Article 46 - Diplomatic and consular protection(was used to instead infringe my most basic human rights - for hijacking/abduction/MKultra torture purposes).

Article 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial(no right to trial - trials have taken place even in my absence and when I won those, I was threatened against with psychiatry). Free legal aid declined to me - no right to one.

Article 48 - Presumption of innocence and right of defence(I was instead attacked when assigned by state a lawyer and who accused me even of things that state persecutor wouldn't dare - told to keep quiet on trials).

Article 49 - Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties(things were stolen from me and was accused of crimes I had nothing to do with solely with state idea to get me in jail where more likely than not I would be murdered). Slovenian state issued fake penalties and then charge itself interest rates which were under forced unemployment circumstances impossible to pay.

I had no right to court or legal system whatsoever.


Article 51 - Field of application, Article 52 - Scope and interpretation of rights and principles, Article 53 - Level of protection, Article 54, Prohibition of abuse of rights


REWARD/NAGRADA - <== goes same for Poland or any other country(Slovakia, USA, Norway, Czech rep., Italy, Netherlands, UK, Belarus, Russia, Austria, Germany, Croatia and so on) I was in. I went under name Bob/Bobby(they used other names too) when subjected to MKultra.

2018 GENOCIDE complaint against Slovenia, Russia, and Serbia on behalf of American(US) and Slovenian(EU) citizen.

Can also be downloaded and seen a OR

I am reporting you today crimes against humanity in Slovenia on behalf Belgrade and Moscow whose goal is to reassemble Yugoslavia and old USSR through the use of extreme acts of genocide against natives(not only of Slovenian natives, but also of natives in Croatia, Bosnia, Ukraine and soon Poland - even lives of Russian people in Russia greatly depend on one).

Genocide complaint and law suit concerns also countries that supported stated bellow with most severe acts of genocide for the sake of creation of new USSR and Yugoslavia in return for global IMPERIAL neonazi takeover plan.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Not only Serbian UDBA(KGB) via Melania Trump's father, but Czechoslovakia's KGB spy agency targeted Donald Trump in 1980s through wife Ivana's father as well, archive files reveal


And how not...he looking promising from the very beginnings...real pearl brainwise.
Irresistible bait for those which wanted to erode democracy - wipe country out of existence as is happening today. Related to
KGB figured out if anyone could ruin world(screw US and entire world), it would be self declared genouis from US...THE "ART OF THE DEAL" MAKER.

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